The Value-Belief-Norm Theory is a theory about social movements that suggest individuals who accept their movements basic values, believe those values are threatened and believe their 18/08/ · Thinking, Values, and Beliefs written by O. ColtonIdeology is a way of thinking that reflect the social needs and political doctrines of an individual or group. There are many 9/02/ · Personal values are the ideas that people hold as important such as honesty, faithfulness, effort, perseverance, patience, education, responsibility, commitment, and
Essay on Values, Norms and Beliefs
Culture can be defined as a set of shared beliefs, attitudes, values, objectives, and practices that constitutes an organization, an institution, or a group Rojek, Norms, beliefs and values vary in diverse ways across different cultures; all cultures are driven by certain principles that propose a certain direction depending with the situations Rojek, The set principles are what are referred as norms; norms are general guidelines that direct our actions in a given situation including our ways of dressing. Then again, values and beliefs essay, values are principle that provides us with a set of conduct and guides us how to behave.
A value is a belief which provides a guide that something is good or bad; a belief is a general notion which is strictly values and beliefs essay to values and beliefs essay it is known to be right. Religion is one the commonly pronounced beliefs Rojek, This paper will examine how beliefs and values vary across different cultures. It will also discuss the several beliefs that exist in different social institutions and how they are part of the system. Most of our commonly held cultural values and beliefs differ and they manifest at different periods of development in any given culture; they are usually displayed during time values and beliefs essay birth, marriage and death Kendall and Wickham, For instance, customs and beliefs surrounding childbirth are aimed at welcoming and protecting a new born in the family.
However, such customs vary widely across cultures. The same case applies when it values and beliefs essay to naming the child. Some cultures may name their child based on religious believes, season which the child was born, and social status. Some communities also do not refer their children by their name which is kept as a Secrete among the members; instead they refer an individual by nicknames and so on. Different cultures have very different belief and judgment in regard to death. In the African setting, death is viewed as an avenue to join the ancestral world.
In fact, most African communities makes offering and prayers to the ancestors to appease them especially when they are faced by unusually phenomenon such as drought, diseases, and war among other problems. According to the Hindu believes, if a good person dies, he will reincarnate in a form of an animal that is liked by the community such as rabbit. However, values and beliefs essay, if a wicked person dies, he will appear back in form of values and beliefs essay animal that is not liked such as hyena Tejomayananada, Furthermore, marriage is an institution that is very basic and a necessity for the growth of any community; it is well developed among all cultures around the world. However, it is one of the traditions where we have great difference in terms of cultural values and believes.
In Africa cultures, marriage is an institution that serves to unite different group of people and it is highly regarded as an instrument of peace Aiken, Most African who still uphold their cultural values today usually marry with an aim of making families ties strong, solving a conflict between two families, or as a symbol of harmony, values and beliefs essay. For these reasons, an African woman has no decision on who to marry, the decision is made by her parents and elders, however, this notion is not common among educated African due to influence of the western culture. In Hindu culture, marriage is strictly performed within a given social order based on ones social status.
People in the lower caste can not marry people from the upper caste and vice-verse Tejomayananada, Marriage in this community is meant to maintain and strengthen ones social status. On the other hand, people from the western countries marry out of love. Marriage is held by ties of love which drives individuals to marry and no one is restricted on who to marry. This culture is spreading across the world and most people are embracing it positively. In summary, it is evident that traditional believes and values vary across values and beliefs essay. For those communities that are deeply held to their cultural values, any member values and beliefs essay the community who does not adhere to the set customs is discriminated and considered to be an outcast.
However, with the emergence of civilization, education and information technology, the world has values and beliefs essay a global village and the western culture has suppressed most of the traditional cultural values due to the perception that, western culture is a superior culture Kendall and Wickham, Today most people are embracing the western culture, values and beliefs essay. On the other hand, there are some aspects that have not changed overtime and they are signs of cultural values among different communities. Kendall, G. Understanding Culture : Cultural Studies, order. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? Traditional Beliefs and Values. Learn More. We will write a custom Essay on Traditional Beliefs and Values specifically for you!
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18/08/ · Thinking, Values, and Beliefs written by O. ColtonIdeology is a way of thinking that reflect the social needs and political doctrines of an individual or group. There are many 30/11/ · Health Policy Values Write a paper examining your personal values and beliefs. You may write in the first person in this paper. Introduction (1) Personal Values and Spiritual 10/08/ · Values are a culture’s standard for discerning what is good and just in society. Values are deeply embedded and critical for transmitting and teaching a culture’s beliefs.
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